List of AIDS Quilt Names
From IAGSDC History
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Individual | Organization | Block # |
Al Valdez | Capital City Squares | 3112 |
Alan Hall | 4513 | |
Alan Robertson | Episcopal Church of Oregon | 3207 |
Alfie Hyatt | 0813 | |
Allan Laufer | 3339 | |
Allen Skinner | IGBO | 5740 |
Amador Gonzalez | 0117 | |
Amador Gonzalez | 0168 | |
Amador Gonzalez | Capital City Squares | 3112 |
Antonio Corlito | Hofstra University Community Cares | 4157 |
Art Fairhall | Seattle Men's Chorus | 2208 |
Arthur Whitehead | 1526 | |
Arthur Whitehead | 1809 | |
Bill Depew | 0190 | |
Bill Liddicoat | Seattle Men's Chorus | 2208 |
Bill Quinn | 1482 | |
Bill Quinn | Capital City Squares | 3112 |
Bill Quinn | 4328 | |
Bill Sanderson | 5296 | |
Bob Bellville | Gold Rush | 4166 |
Bob Farrell | 0448 | |
Bob Farrell | 0661 | |
Bob Farrell | Seattle Men's Chorus | 2208 |
Bobby Brickey | 4432 | |
Bobby Brickey | New Mexico Remembers | 4849 |
Bobby Thompson | 0082 | |
Bon Foster | 1903 | |
Brian Porcher | 4895 | |
Bud Vadon | IGBO | 5483 |
Cal Grogan | 4222 | |
Calvin Townsend | Gold Rush | 4166 |
Cap Moran | 3246 | |
Capital City Squares | Capital City Squares | 3112 |
Carl Megl | 0431 | |
Carmen Lewis | 4433 | |
Carroll Hoggard | 2275 | |
Charles Thomas | 4171 | |
Chris Bolton | 3288 | |
Chris Bolton | Gold Rush | 4166 |
Christiaan Kelly | 0695 | |
Chuck Novak | 3111 | |
Chuck Novak | Capital City Squares | 3112 |
Chuck Novak | 3112 | |
Cliff Wright | 2934 | |
Craig McCarthy | 2787 | |
Dale Lafferty | Capital City Squares | 3112 |
Dale Prather | 4445 | |
Dan Druid | Western Star Dancers | 0057 |
Danny Bahr | 0463 | |
Darrell Fontes | Capital City Squares | 3112 |
Darren B Gere | Seattle Men's Chorus | 2208 |
Dave Decameron | 1168 | |
Dave Decameron | 1243 | |
Dave Long | 5875 | |
Dave Zeiders | 4370 | |
David Callentine | 0611 | |
David Callentine | 1082 | |
David Cogswell | Capital City Squares | 3112 |
David Gross | 2936 | |
David Gross | 3048 | |
David Gross | Congregation Beth Simchat Torah | 3124 |
David Miller | Seattle Men's Chorus | 2208 |
David Sherman | 4590 | |
David Thompson | 0229 | |
Dennis Akazawa | Gay Asian Pacific Support Network | 3503 |
Dennis Akazawa | MTV Networks | 3705 |
Dewey Childs | MCC of Washington | 4349 |
Dewey Childs | 4757 | |
Don Durham | New Mexico Remembers | 4849 |
Don Durham | 5316 | |
Don Hutt | Seattle Men's Chorus | 2208 |
Don Durham | Arizona Remembers | 5837 |
Doug Green | 3772 | |
Doug Jarrett | 1661 | |
Doug Shewmaker | 5066 | |
Doug Shewmaker | IGBO | 5556 |
Ed Walker | 5379 | |
Eddie Smith | Gold Rush | 4166 |
Eddie Smith | 4418 | |
Elliot Schneck | 4550 | |
Ernie Conti | Capital City Squares | 3112 |
Frank DeFendis | San Francisco Gay Softball League | 4830 |
Fred Lyons | 0996 | |
Fred Lyons | IGBO | 3052 |
Garnet MacDonald | IGBO | 3819 |
Garrett Peter | 4418 | |
Gary Largent | Capital City Squares | 3112 |
Gary Largent | Sacramento Men's Chorus | 5379 |
Gary Way | 0233 | |
Gary Way | Seattle Men's Chorus | 2208 |
Gary West | Episcopal Church of Oregon | 3207 |
Gene Baxter | New Mexico Remembers | 4849 |
George Lanyi | City College of San Francisco | 1484 |
Gerry Barton | 5392 | |
Gold Rush | Gold Rush | 4166 |
Gordon Oviatt | 3488 | |
Hal Humble | Mujeres Unidas | 5069 |
Hank Wierzba | New Mexico Remembers | 4849 |
Henry Shernoff | Western Star Dancers | 0057 |
Howard Janowitz | 0877 | |
IAGSDC | IAGSDC | 2488 |
Jake Efsen | 4367 | |
James Fowle | 4421 | |
James Henderson | IGBO | 4221 |
Jay Freier | Gay Mens Chorus South Florida | 4726 |
Jay Neiman | New Mexico Remembers | 4849 |
Jeff DeVore | 4813 | |
Jeff Lutz | New Mexico Remembers | 4849` |
Jeff Miller | 5557 | |
Jeff Wallin | 4237 | |
Jerry Cohen | 4051 | |
Jim Goeres | 3338 | |
Jim Graham | Capital City Squares | 3112 |
Jim Graham | Sacramento Men's Chorus | 5379 |
Jim Lansdowne | 1356 | |
Jim Lansdowne | 1887 | |
Jim Pieper | 1203 | |
Jim Pieper | 1754 | |
Joe Westcott | 4818 | |
Joel Dawes | Capital City Squares | 3112 |
Joel Valdez | 5145 | |
John Glasscock | 0610 | |
John Howard | 4548 | |
John Lorenzini | 1810 | |
John Trantham | 4127 | |
Jon Rollins | 5496 | |
Jose Montoya | 4419 | |
Keith Bishop | 3417 | |
Keith Bishop | Gold Rush | 4166 |
Keith Bishop | 4660 | |
Keith Pilipovich | Gold Rush | 4166 |
Ken Gardner | 5090 | |
Kevin Floen | 0996 | |
Kevin Petrow | 1487 | |
Kim Brownlee | Sutter's Stompers | 2404 |
Kim Brownlee | Capital City Squares | 3112 |
Kip Newquist | Seattle Men's Chorus | 2208 |
Kip Newquist | 5701 | |
Kurt Stutzman | Western Star Dancers | 0057 |
Larry Murchison | 3998 | |
Larry Nemei | Capital City Squares | 3112 |
Larry Peck | 2280 | |
Larry Peck | 3222 | |
Larry Peck | New Mexico Remembers | 4849 |
Larry Weisen | Congregation Beth Simchat Torah | 3124 |
Mark Askew | 1984 | |
Mark Askew | 2280 | |
Matthew Getman | 1897 | |
Matthew Slatin | New Mexico Remembers | 4849 |
Max Robb | Gold Rush | 4166 |
Mical Wood | 0426 | |
Michael Milburn | 4302 | |
Mike Abling | 0147 | |
Mike Abling | Gold Rush | 4166 |
Mike Hartig | Capital City Squares | 3112 |
Mike Sarfaty | 2938 | |
Mike Seyfrit | 3848 | |
Murray Lush | 0996 | |
Owen Smith | 4429 | |
Pat Haro | 2186 | |
Paul Silva | Sacramento Friends | 4724 |
Paul Zimmermann | American Contract Bridge League | 1205 |
Paul Zimmermann | 1622 | |
Peter Hayn | 4613 | |
Peter Mazzoni | 2276 | |
Peter Mazzoni | Dignity Philadelphia | 2415 |
Peter Mazzoni | 2828 | |
Philip Waggoner | Sacramento Friends | 4724 |
Philip Waggoner | Sacramento Men's Chorus | 5379 |
Prentice "Bump" Hagen | 4212 | |
Prime 8s | Prime 8's | 3112 |
Ramon Smith | 0374 | |
Ray Hamilton Jr | 3862 | |
Ri Lovell | Housing & Urban Development | 4391 |
Ric Wilson | 3576 | |
Richard Clayberg | Western Star Dancers | 0057 |
Rick DiOrio | Dignity NY Remembers | 4264 |
Rick DiOrio | Defenders/Dignity NY | 4615 |
Rick Wheeler | Gold Rush | 4166 |
Rob Daoud | 2994 | |
Robbie DeWitt | 4533 | |
Robin Eli | 4533 | |
Ron Buchner | Capital City Squares | 3112 |
Ron Cohen | Western Star Dancers | 0057 |
Ron Wetley | Shoreline Remembers | 4841 |
Roy Frisch | Capital City Squares | 3112 |
Sam Kellogg | 1792 | |
Sam Kellogg | 1840 | |
Sam Nuccio | 5875 | |
Sandy Moss | 0582 | |
Sandy Moss | Gay Community Center NYC | 3079 |
Sidney Dalton | 0463 | |
Spike Venable | New Mexico Remembers | 4849 |
Stan Hadden | Capital City Squares | 3112 |
Stan Hadden | Sacramento Friends | 4724 |
Steve Head | 1500 | |
Steve Head | Capital City Squares | 3112 |
Steve Liebhart | 3931 | |
Steve Penrose | New Mexico Remembers | 4849 |
Steve Perry | Western Star Dancers | 0057 |
Steve Sanders | Castro Lions | 4331 |
Steve Smith | 4810 | |
Terry Holme | Capital City Squares | 3112 |
Terry Holme | Team Sacramento | 4242 |
Thomas Cooper | 1167 | |
Thomas Cooper | 1167 | |
Tim Jurika | Marin AIDS Project | 3441 |
TJ Montoya | New Mexico Remembers | 4849 |
Tom "Alaric" Morgan | 4245 | |
Tom Gregory | 1504 | |
Tom Montgomery | 2674 | |
Tony deFrance | 1809 | |
Tracy Brown | Seattle Men's Chorus | 2208 |
Tracy Brown | 2336 | |
Victor Victor | 4803 | |
Victor Victor | 4855 | |
Western Star Dancers | Western Star Dancers | 0057 |
Willis Davis | 2540 |