Bob Farrell

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Yale University yearbook photo "The Whiffenpoofs of 1966"

Robert T Farrell
18 Aug 1945 - 16 Jan 1988

Clubs & Associations

Puddletown Dancers


SEATTLE, WASHINGTON/MADISON — Robert T. Farrell, age 42, died on Saturday, January 16, 1988, in Seattle, Washington. He was born on August 18, 1945, in Madison. He was Chief Legal Counsel of the Washington Bar Association. Mr. Farrell was graduated from West High School and was also a graduate of Yale University. During his time at Yale, he was a Whiffenpoof. He also went on a summer tour of the world with the Yale Glee Club. After graduating from Yale, Mr. Farrell went to Japan on a fellowship for two years with the International Christian University. He also attended the University of Washington Law School from which he graduated. Surviving are his mother, Mrs. Carl (Betty) Farrell of 3202 Stevens St.; two sisters, Mary Gordon Hopgood of Madison, and Jane F. Cohen of Milwaukee; and nieces and nephews. A friend of Mr. Farrell's will hold a memorial service at a later time.[1]

Memorial Panel



  1. Wisconsin State Journal (Madison, WI) Thursday, 21 Jan 1988, section 4, p.4