Bud Vadon

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Felician Ardoin Vadon Jr
24 Aug 1954 - 26 Aug 1995

Clubs & Associations

Foggy City Dancers


Felician A. "Bud" Vadon Jr
Aug. 24, 1954 - Aug. 26, 1995
Bud, the consummate adventurer, embarked on his final earthly journey two days after his 41st birthday. With admirable perseverance he surrendered to a long, courageous and undaunted battle with AIDS. Bud's seemingly boundless energy, enduring optimism and candid humor were a source of inspiration to many.

Bud dedicated his life to his program of recovery, and with a genuine sense of humility, he celebrated the last nines years of his life clean and sober. He was also a member of the Trusted Servants and stayed active by bowling in the Japantown Gay Bowling League, square dancing, traveling extensively and volunteering at the AIDS Emergency Fund.

Bud's last week was spent at home in the loving comfort of his friends and caregivers, Steven, George, Thomas and Nancy. He was also grateful for the care of his doctor, Debbie Gold, and the HIV/Hospice Staff at Kaiser.

A gathering of friends is planned for Saturday, September 9, at 11 a.m. in the AIDS Memorial Grove at Golden Gate Park. Please contact Steven at 255-9105 or Thomas at 641-6154 for details. Donations in his memory can be made to the AIDS Emergency Fund.[1]

Memorial Panel



  1. Bay Area Reporter (San Francisco, CA) Thursday, 31 Aug 1995, p.18, col.4