Art Smith

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Art Smith holding the first Golden Boot Award

Arthur W. Smith
20 Jun 1936 - 08 May 2023

Clubs & Associations

Puddletown Squares
Squares Across the Border

Quick Facts

  • founder of Puddletown Squares
  • assisted in founding Squares Across the Border, and supported many other clubs in the Pacific Northwest
  • attended the 1983 fly-in in Miami at which the IAGSDC was founded [1]
  • became enough of a caller to teach classes and call patter
  • amateur videographer at many early conventions (Star Thru The Golden Gate - ???)
  • lived on the big island of Hawaii for many years
  • maintained a horticultural blog

Media Features

Golden Boot Award

In 1983, Puddletown Squares presented Art with the Golden Boot Award.
In 1985, Art passed the award on to South Florida Mustangs.

Medallion Dancer


Art Smith was a great friend for many years until Alzheimer's made him fade away from us.  I was in his first square dance class in Vancouver in 1983 - that's how Squares Across the Border began.  And that is why Art had a lifetime Honorary Membership in SATB.  At our 5th Anniversary Fly-In (Nov. 1988) we presented Art, the "father of our club", with a special Squares Across the Border sweatshirt with "Daddy" printed over the heart.  He loved it.

I often stayed with Art in Seattle for square dance events and holiday weekends.  He was one of the kindest persons ever, always willing to help with anything he could.  Even after I moved away from square dancing, we stayed in touch and I visited him at the tropical paradise home he loved on the Big Island.  I always looked forward to his beautiful birthday and Christmas cards with photos of his tropical flowers.  Lots of people miss Art Smith.  He was one of a kind.
Bill Bader

I am a neighbor of Art Smith in rural Hawaii south of Hilo. Art was very proud of his role of starting gay square dancing in Seattle in the early 1980s. It was a huge aspect of his life 40 years ago, but the emotional toll of losing so many close friends to AIDS drove him to relocate to rural Hawaii. Here he became involved in growing rare palm trees from the vanishing tropical forests around the world. He also filled his beautiful three acre garden with huge exotic tree ferns. He was active member of the Hawaii Island Palm Society for decades. His last connection with the gay square dance community was about four or five year ago when he flew to Palm Springs for a big fly in. Seeing old friends at that event was very emotional for him. Art died at his sister's home in Idaho on May 8, 2023 a month short of his 87th birthday from complications from Alzheimers. He enjoyed a long life well lived.
— Rick Kelley

Memorial Panel

