Squares Across the Border

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Squares Across the Border.gif

Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

Website: http://www.squaresacrosstheborder.org/

Started: 1983

Admitted to IAGSDC:

Status: Active


      Gay square dancing began in Vancouver in 1983 at the leather-and-levis bar called John Barleys. They had been hosting line dancing classes instructed by Maxcy Moon who commuted from Seattle every week for almost a year. Carol van Camp, one of the owner/managers of John Barleys, enjoyed square dancing, so, with a handy core of line dancers, square dance classes began in November of 1983.  They were directed by Art Smith who commuted 3 hours from Seattle.   “Squares Across The Border” was chosen as our club name because of the Seattle connection.  Gradually we outgrew the bar and Art encouraged us to find a local caller.

Because there were no gay callers in Vancouver and because the 1980s were still the Gay Dark Ages, it took many phone calls to convince any straight caller to become associated with the first gay square dance club in Canada.  In the Spring of 1984, classes started with our first official caller, Ken Oakley.  Also in 1984, some of us excitedly attended the very first International Gay Square Dance Convention, All Join Hands (1984 IAGSDC Convention in Seattle, WA), in Seattle. Later that year, SATB became the first non-American club in the IAGSCD, making it truly international.

In 1986, thanks to Ken Oakley and two guest callers who sponsored us, we were able to join the Fraser Valley Square and Round Dance Association, an important step toward attitude adjustment and acceptance by local callers and other square dance clubs.

In 1987 we incorporated as a non-profit society.  By 1989, with 150 members, we had become one of the largest gay square dance clubs.  In 1990 Squares Across The Border hosted the IAGSDC convention "Northstar Promenade", the first gay square dance convention outside the USA (“across the border”).

Bill Bader

Squares Across The Border was established in 1983 through the dedication of Art Smith, who commuted from Seattle to teach the classes, and Carol van Camp, who gave, and continues to give, never-ending support.

From the Program Book for the 3rd IAGSDC Convention, held in San Francisco in 1986:
Square dancing was introduced to Vancouver in November 1983. The group learned the Basic steps and by March 1984 the Club had a name — "Squares Across the Border".
After attending All Join Hands, the first gay square dance convention in Seattle 1984, we all returned home filled with excitement and determined to build our club.

From the Program Book of the 5th IAGSDC Convention, held in Phoenix, AZ in 1988:
Squares Across the Border, Vancouver, B.C. got started in 1983 as an alternative to disco music. After four years of growth in Vancouver the club was incorporated as a non-profit Society from the Government of British Columbia. The club is proud to be associated with the Canadian Square Dancing Assoc., the British Columbia Round and Square Dancing Assoc. and IAGSDC.


Club Caller[s]: Ken Oakley, Ron Booiman, Brian Murdoch, Anne Uebelacker, Bruce MacDonald, Grant Ito, JP Slater


Dance Location[s]:

Fly-Ins Hosted:

West Coast A&C

Conventions Hosted:
