Orientation and Information for the New Lesbian/Gay Square Dance Club

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Cover, 1983

Published by Art Smith in 1983 and 1985, Orientation and Information for the New Lesbian/Gay Square Dance Club was the first attempt to codify information regarding gay square dance clubs. It presented information about advertising, finding a caller, attendance, scheduling, committees, exhibitions, sound systems, and other many topics. Both printings are dedicated to the men and women of Seattle, WA, and acknowledge assistance, guidance, and good will from Western Star Dancers and South Florida Mustangs.

Table of Contents (1983)

Topic Page
Dedication 1
Acknowledgement 1
Forward 5
Traditional Square Dancing 7
Modern Western / Contemporary American Square Dancing 7
Callerlab 7
Gay Square Dance Clubs 7
Existing gay Modern Western Square Dance Clubs 8
Creating an Organizing Committee 9
Square Dance Classes 10
Advertise your Square Dance Classes 10
Publicity in general 10
Finding and choosing a location 11
Finding a caller 12
Guidelines for your caller/instructor 13
Caller fees 14
Caller contracts 14
Teaching classes without a caller/instructor 15
Leadership 16
Square Dancing etiquette 16
Basic-Mainstream class - Duration and time 17
Class tips and breaks 17
Defining the class to the new students 18
Attendance in beginner classes 18
Scheduling new Square Dance classes 19
Square Dance class - Name tags 19
Square Dance class - Drinking 19
Identification - Dance positions 20
Identification - Key square couples 20
Organization - Organizing/steering committee 21
Organization - By-Laws 21
Organization - Officers and Board of Directors 21
Square Dance club finances 22
Reinforcing the dance 23
Exhibitions, demonstrations and sub groups 23
Square Dance sound systems 24
Square Dance record library 25
Square Dance record colllection tips 25
Where to buy square dance records 26
Multiple versions of the same record title 26
Square dancing magazines 27
Square dance records 27
Becoming a Modern Western Square Dance caller 28
Square dance club insurance 29
Square dance club level 29
Special square dance event - check off sheet 29
Creating a larger network of gay square dance clubs 30
Building bridges 30
Square dance flyers 31
Square dancing attire 33
Student class information sheet 34
Helpful tips 35
The Puddletown Squares By-Laws 36


Published: 1983, 1985
Format: Letter-sized, stapled
Repository:Karl Jaeckel Archive
Digitized by: Karl Jaeckel

Cover Gallery
