Twin City Spin

39th Annual IAGSDC convention
Dates: 26-29 May 2022
Location: Minneapolis, MN, USA
Host hotel/venues: Hyatt Regency Minneapolis
Hosting club: Heads To The Center
Convention committee title: The Shadow Committee dba Convention Planners, Inc.
Convention committee members:
- Rick Hawes (Chair)
- Gordon Macaw (Chair, Treasurer, Registrar)
- Seth Levine (Caller Liaison, Dance Programming, Website)
- John Faulds (Travel, Hotel Arrangements)
- Allan Hurst (Communications. Volunteers)
Logo designː Urso Chappell
Calling staff:
- Barry Clasper
- Betsy Gotta
- Darren Gallina
- Dayle Hodge
- Ett McAtee
- Harlan Kerr
- Ken Ritucci
- Michael Kellogg
- Michael Levy
- Sandie Bryant
- Trail-in: Ross Crawshaw-Lopton, Betsy Gotta, Ken Ritucci
Sound staff:
- BoHicA Soundwerks
- Phil Farmer
- Rob Grigsby
Vendor list:
- Rainbow Road
Fun Badge Tour stops and highlights:
- Minnesota State Capitol - Cass Gilbert Park
- University of Minnesota - Coffman Memorial Union
- U.S. Bank Arena - The Commons
- Minneapolis Sculpture Garden - Cherry Spoonbridge
Pre/Post convention events & tours: n/a
Notable Notes and Highlights:
- The Ovation Ensemble of One Voice Mixed Chorus, Minnesota's LGBTA community chorus, sang the national anthems
- Vic & Debbie Ceder were home and notified by phone (Caitlyn) that they had received the Golden Boot Award
Specialty Tips: (per convention schedule)
- Bear Tip
- Leather Tip
- Magic Underpants Tip
- Memorial Tip
- Moonshine Tip
- Pop Star Patter Tip
- Take No Prisoners
- Women's Tip
IAGSDC officers:
IAGSDC meeting notes:
Attendance: 425
Attending clubs:
Golden Boot Award: presented to Vic Ceder, Debbie Ceder, and Caitlyn Ceder by Allan Hurst
Honky Tonk Queen winner: Carmen Epstein
10 Year Medallions - Recipients: 23
20 Year Medallions - Recipients: 9
25 Year Medallions - Recipients: 13
30 Year Medallions - Recipients: 9
Newsletter: "WJM Newsflash"
External Links
- Convention Website via
- Convention Facebook Group
Twin City Spin Promo Video from 2020