Jim Babcock

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Jim Babcock

Clubs & Associations

Gay Callers Association
Heads to the Center
Independence Squares
Lavender Country and Folk Dancers
Times Squares

Quick Facts


  • served on board of directors of Lavender Country and Folk Dancers, 2014-2018
  • served as President of Times Squares, 2018-2022
  • served as Treasurer of Times Squares, 2023-
  • serving as IAGSDC Secretary, 2023-2025
  • received the Golden Boot Award in 2024, presented by James Ozanich

Media Features

Golden Boot Award

In 2024, James Ozanich presented Jim with the Golden Boot Award.
In 2025, Jim will pass the award on to ???.



  1. Out In The Mountains (Richmond, VT) Apr 2004, p.6
  2. QonStage website : accessed 12 Mar 2022
  3. The National Desk website : accessed 27 Jul 2023