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The Event

Note: This event is sometimes (incorrectly) referred to as "The East Coast A&C". The correct event name has always been "ACDC", presumably after "Advanced & Challenge (in Washington) DC", since it's hosted by the DC Lambda Squares.

Currently held over President's Day Weekend in February and hosted by the LGBT Square Dancing Club of Washington, DC --DC Lambda Squares-- ACDC is the premier Advanced and Challenge Square Dancing weekend on the East Coast. Dancing is offered from Advanced levels through C4. Dancers can always count on having a good time while testing their dancing skills!

ACDC started in 2000 and was held every year until 2020 except 2009 (due to a focus by the hosting club on the IAGSDC 2009 Convention). In the first year ACDC had 65 very enthusiastic dancers attend and has doubled in attendance since then, with two squares of C4 being the norm. Showcasing local, regional, national, international and GCA Callers, ACDC has always focused on hiring outstanding callers including: Clark Baker, Lynette Bellini, Sandie Bryant, Vic Ceder, Barry Clasper, Todd Fellegy, Rob French, Betsy Gotta, Ross Howell, Mike Jacobs, Geo Jedlicka, Linda Kendall, John Marshall, Ett McAtee, Ben Rubright, CJ Smith, John Sybalsky, Anne Uebelacker, and Dave Wilson. With the likes of those callers, you never know what you might get. Still talked about is the hour of barstool square dancing called by none other than Barry Clasper from Canada!

The ACDC committed has always worked very hard to ensure our dancers leave pleased by their experience. Feedback is often solicited from the attendees. One participant wrote on their survey: “Thanks so much for putting this on. It changed my life!” True story! But most simply write: “Great Fly-in! Thanks!”

The typical ACDC fly-in starts around 7 or 7:30 on Friday, runs all day Saturday and ends early afternoon on Sunday. After the TNP sessions on Saturday afternoon, after dinner with friends --new and old-- the last hour Saturday evening is a relaxed hour of Advanced with everyone who still has energy dancing, including the callers! Scheduling the fly-in over the long weekend gives the dancers time to wind down after an energetic and challenging weekend. But before everyone goes their separate ways, there is a “cast party” for all where the dancers and callers can relax over lunch. There, the talk usually ends up in a passionate but friendly discussion of what the definition really means.

In the beginning ACDC, was held in a downtown Washington hotel. For the past several years however, dancing has been held at The Almas Temple of Shriners fame. The Brothers are very supportive and helpful. In 2010 with two feet of snow in DC, the federal government ground to a halt, and after the Temple cancelling an event for their own members, ACDC went on! Callers John Marshall and Ross Howell added the cerebral element for the weekend, while twins Anne & Sandie added the party-like atmosphere. Even with DC buried in snow, only a handful of cancellations occurred – such is the dedication of an ACDC dancer!


sortable table
# Year Date Venue Callers
1 2000 Feb. 18-20 Washington Plaza Hotel Todd Fellegy, Mike Jacobs, Linda Kendall, Ett McAtee
2 2001 Feb. 9-11 Wyndham City Center Hotel Vic Ceder, Mike Jacobs, Geo Jedlicka, Linda Kendall
3 2002 Feb. 15-17 Wyndham City Center Hotel Sandie Bryant, Betsy Gotta, Ett McAtee, Ben Rubright
4 2003 Feb. 14-16 Marriott Washington (1221 22nd Street NW) Mike Jacobs, Linda Kendall, John Marshall, Anne Uebelacker
5 2004 Feb. 13-15 Hilton Washington Embassy Row Rob French, Betsy Gotta, Geo Jedlicka, Ett McAtee
6 2005 Feb. 18-20 Wyndham City Center Hotel Sandie Bryant, Barry Clasper, Linda Kendall, John Marshall
7 2006 Feb. 17-19 Wyndham City Center Hotel Betsy Gotta, Ett McAtee, Ben Rubright, John Sybalsky
8 2007 Feb. 16-18 Crowne Plaza Hotel, Almas Temple Clark Baker, Vic Ceder, Geo Jedlicka, Linda Kendall
9 2008 Feb. 15-17 Crowne Plaza Hotel, Almas Temple Mike Jacobs, Ett McAtee, CJ Smith, Dave Wilson
10 2010 Feb. 12-14 Crowne Plaza Hotel, Almas Temple Sandie Bryant, Ross Howell, John Marshall, Anne Uebelacker
11 2011 Feb. 18-20 Crowne Plaza Hotel, Almas Temple Lynette Bellini, Vic Ceder, Linda Kendall, Dave Wilson
12 2012 Feb. 17-19 Hilton Garden Inn, Almas Temple Clark Baker, Barry Clasper, Todd Fellegy, Ett McAtee
13 2013 Feb. 15-17 Four Points Sheraton Hotel Dayle Hodge, Linda Kendall, John Marshall, Anne Uebelacker
14 2014 Feb. 14-16 Four Points Sheraton Hotel Lynette Bellini, Sandie Bryant, Rob French, Betsy Gotta
15 2015 Feb. 13-15 Fairfax at Embassy Row Clark Baker, Vic Ceder, Barry Clasper, Ett McAtee
16 2016 Feb. 12-14 Hotel Palomar Saundra Bryant, Geo Jedlicka, John Marshall, Bronc Wise
17 2017 Feb. 17-19 Hotel Palomar Sandie Bryant, Ett McAtee, Anne Uebelacker
18 2018 Feb. 16-18 Hotel Palomar Vic Ceder, Rob French, Dayle Hodge, Geo Jedlicka
19 2019 Feb. 15-17 Hotel Palomar Barry Clasper, Sue Curtis, Don Moger
20 2020 Feb 14-16 Hotel Palomar Sandie Bryant, Vic Ceder, Ett McAtee


A little sadness. After 20 marvelous years of ACDC, John and Cissie, the main organizers of this much loved event, retired from their labors. Among those who attended all 20 years were, from DCLS, Cissie Meza, Steve Johnson, and Rich Harrison And then there were the rest of us who relished those years they did get to attend. Imagine! Such a terrific event right in our own backyard. We took a moment to mourn. And then we all ate cake.

A lot of gladness. Louie won the 50/50. Great ending memory.[1]


External Links

ACDC website


  1. DC Lambda Squares newsletter, 16 Feb 2020