Fran Hunt

Frances Mary Hartmann Hunt
23 Feb 1943 - 08 Jan 2023
Clubs & Associations
Champlain Valley Rainbow Squares
Lavender Country and Folk Dancers
Tech Squares
Times Squares
Medallion Dancer
- 2003 | 10 Year Medallion at Anchors Aweigh With A Half-Sashay
- 2013 | 20 Year Medallion at Weave Your Heart in San Francisco
- 2018 | 25 Year Medallion at Circle Back to Seattle
Frances “Fran”’ (Hartmann) Hunt died unexpectedly at the age of 79 at her home on Sunday, January 8th, 2023. Fran was born on February 23, 1943, in New York City, NY to Walter Hartmann, and Feodora (Wittner) Hartmann.
She attended and graduated from Newbury School. She worked for many years and retired from Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center. She was an avid square dancer and traveled all around the country and beyond to attend square dances. She met and made many great friends square dancing.
She is survived by a daughter, Joyce Fifield and husband Ed Fifield of Newbury; a son Alfred Sidney and wife Sherry of Newbury; and a daughter, Cathleen Thompson and partner Don Bazzell of Newbury. She is survived by her son’s children, Scott Sidney and Melanie Sidney; her daughter’s children, Morgan Driscoll and Madison Driscoll; and three step grandsons, Michael Fifield, Jeremy Fifield, and David Fifield; and many nieces and nephews.
She was pre-deceased by her mother in 1981, and her father in 1992. She was also pre-deceased by a son, Martin “Walt” Sidney in 2000.
There will be no calling hours and a celebration of life will be determined by the family at a later date.[1]
Fran Hunt February 23, 1943 to January 8, 2023 through square dancing she touched the lives of thousands of people. Words can't express my deepest sorry. Her family will plan a celebration of life. Details when I know more. May her memory be a blessing and may her good deeds live on through her acts of kindness.
My heart breaks, if anyone would like to donate in Fran's memory please do so to All Join Hands
— Louis Blank
To all that know me know that one of the joys in my life is my square dancing. This hobby has allowed me to meet and consider some wonderful people part of my “family”. Today I received news that my dear sweet wonderful friend Fran Hunt passed away. Fran was one of the most loving people I have ever met and to say she is going to be missed is a gross understatement. She truly gave new meaning to the expression “straight but not narrow”! I still have many wonderful friends in this activity that I love. However this fills me with such sadness that I feel this activity will not ever feel the same.
I know that I have many prayer warriors out there. I ask that you keep Fran’s local square dance community, the Challenge community and especially the IAGSDC community in your thoughts and prayers. There will be many tears shed over this loss!
Fran…. Now you are one of the “Angels Among Us”.
— Michael Spayd
Thank you for letting us know, MIchael! I had great times dancing in squares and also partnering with Fran over the years at many conventions and fly-ins. She was always an asset in a square and also fun to be with out of one.
— JW Paulson
Such sad news. I will miss her smile
— Jean Albrecht
I am so sorry to see this. She was such a nice person. Very sad news.
— Joe Branch
Oh my, say it isn’t so. What a great person and always enjoyed seeing her at the weekends and festivals.
— Bill Harrison
OMG, such sad news!
— Darryl Lipscomb
I'm so sorry to hear this. She was always so sweet. Hugs.
— Vinnie Metzger
My heart just sank with sadness. I will miss Fran so much. She was a joy to see at every fly-in.
— Dan Foust
It is beyond comprehension. She was supposed visit a week and a half ago but had to cancel. We talked to her, she was doing better.
— Kathy Zottmann
Oh no! I Loved Fran! So sorry to hear. She was a joy to be around...
— John Anderson
This is terrible news. I had no idea she was ill. Fran was one of the most enthusiastic supporters of square dancing in general and the IAGSDC in particular.
This will leave a huge hole in our square dance family. Fran was always there with a big smile for everyone.
— Pam Clasper
Such sad news to hear, Louis. She will be so missed by so many. Always enjoyed dancing with her at so many square dance flyins. Hold all your special memories close to your heart forever. Sending prayers for comfort.
— Wendy Pickett
Condolences as Fran was a life force for square dancing.
— Ed Miltenberger
I'm so sorry to hear this. She was always so friendly. May the memories of the fun times we've all had in squares with Fran be a blessing.
— Jonathan Domash
So sorry to hear of Fran's passing. She was a great dancer and someone to hang out with.
— Fred Harke
Very very sad news. Thanks for posting.
— Bob Young
So sorry to hear. We enjoyed dancing with Fran for many years at various weekends and festivals. Find peace with good memories.
— Lennie Rodoff
I will always have fond memories of dancing with her ...
— Lou Partridge
This is truly a loss Fran was always such an enthusiast for dancing. I will miss her.
— John Zemko
Always was so happy to see Fran at a square dance. Such a huge loss for everyone. I will miss her. Louis, my heart breaks for you.
— Linda Bourdet
Such devastating news. RIP sweet Fran. Sending love Louis
— Anne Uebelacker
Omg, I am so sorry; Fran was so wonderful.
— Mary Hutchinson
This news saddens me. I know how beloved Fran has been.
— Brian Heike
Louis, I'm so sorry for your heartbreaking loss. This is s sad.. I always enjoyed dancing with Fran. May your memories of her be a blessing to you.
— Cindy Scharf
Wow! Fran will be missed by the dance community. Thanks for sharing Louis!
— Ed Trever
This is so sad. I always enjoyed seeing Fran and dancing with her.
— Nancy Crowell
Sorry to hear the sad news. I enjoyed dancing with Fran over the years. I saw her at dances all over New England (Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont) as well as other places. She will be missed.
— Anne Pavelka
Such a wonderful person who brought so much joy to so many.
— Todd Fellegy
I'm so sorry to hear this. It was always great to have Fran in a square. She will be missed.
— Drew Allen
This is so sad. She was always sweet and flirted with me. Hugs - I know you were close.
— Kent Forrester
No! I can't believe she's gone!!! She was my absolute favorite person to swing-promenade with. And a fellow northern New Englander too.
— Chip Prince
Fran will be missed by all who know her be it square dancing or in life.
— Kat Sullivan
I'm so sorry to hear this Fran was such a good dancer and square dance supporter she'll be greatly missed
— Ken Ritucci
She will be greatly missed.
— Ed Guckin
Oh no. So sorry to hear this. She was so nice and a great dancer. She will be missed. Hugs to you Louie and her family
— Kent Tolleson
It's not going to be the same without her. She was a joy to be with. I'm so glad that the last time I saw her she didn't have any money on her and so I bought and brought her an ice cream.
— George Voorhis
Such a wonderful lady, wonderful friend and such a wonderful person all around. She cared for everyone she met and spread joy! She will be greatly missed! So glad I got to spend time with her!
— Debra Barrows
We are stunned and saddened by yet another loss from our square dance community. thank you for sharing this. Our condolences go out to you, Louis, in particular, as you and Fran were such close friends for so many years.
— Steve Johnson
Unbelievable! I feel as if I just saw her. Fran will live in our hearts forever. RIP. Prayers go out to her family and to "our" family as well.
Oh wow. I can't believe it. Fran was a great person and such a intricate part of our activity. To say that she will be missed is an understatement. We will never be the same.
So very sorry to hear that we will never see Fran's smile again. RIP my friend!
— Sandie Bryant
Very sad news. Fran was such a wonderful person and I loved dancing with her at conventions and other dance events. I will truly miss her. RIP Fran
— Michael Zalter
I'm so sorry to hear this. Always enjoyed dancing with both of you!
— Michael Wills
Oh no! She was so.much fun with...on and off.the dance floor. Fran will be missed.
— Donna Bragg
So sad to hear, Michael. I didn’t know Fran well, but I remember her enthusiasm for dancing and I know she’ll be missed by all of the square dance family.
— Bill Hunter
Fran was always so fun to dance with and always smiling and friendly…I will miss her.
— Steve Maier
Shocking news. I am sad for everyone who will miss her.
— Bruce Harrigan
A huge loss. Thank you for letting us all know.
— Mike Rutkowski
I will miss Fran so much! She was such a wonderful person. May she rest in peace.
— Larry Barnes
My heart is broken...Fran was wonderful person...prayers!
— Earl Melvin
So sad to hear that Fran Hunt has passed away. She and good friends Louie Blank and Bill Woolf were just in Chicago and stayed with me for our square dance event in October. You will be missed.
— Bob Siegel
Memorial Panel
At Stars & Squares Forever, 1994
At Anchors Aweigh With A Half-Sashay, 2003
At Weave Your Heart in San Francisco, 2013
At Circle Back to Seattle, 2018