Golden Boot 2005
Golden Boot 2005 - Seth Levine
presentation at Star Thru The Silicon Galaxy by Ett McAtee
Well, I must say, last year you found me speechless on the microphone! Many said it was worth it just for that moment, to hear me be silent for a few moments!! But, not now! I have a few words for you, and I'd like to start by thanking Rick Hawes for honoring me with the Golden Boot Award in 2004. It was very special, and I thank everyone for the love and friendship bestowed upon me through all my square dancing days. The Golden Boot is given not by the IAGSDC organization, but by fellow dancers and callers who choose to recognize those who make great contributions to our beloved activity.
Indeed, I've always known that there are three things needed to hold a square dance...
We need callers -- we are blessed each year at this convention to have a staff of callers that parallel none. All give of themselves to the point of exhaustion. They are enthusiastic, and we happily dance to them each year at convention. Several are Golden Boot recipients.
We need places to dance - (we've been at universities, at glitzy hotels, church basements, and everything in between.) This year, we find ourselves at the wonderful Marriott hotel in Santa Clara California -- where we dance in style and grace under the watchful eyes of our attentive hotel staff.
And, we need dancers to make up a square - you know who you are! We dance with one another, and it takes just 8 of us to make a square. Multiply that by several hundred and we have a large family of friends who convene each year to make this event the special thing it is. Celebrate yourselves! Dance and make new friends during the rest of the convention.
But there is something else...
We need teachers. We couldn't make any of this happen unless we are taught how to understand the language of square dancing, the common language we all share-- whether we're from Denmark, Japan, Canada, or the United States, and even if we are deaf. Square dancing is a language.
There is an individual here tonight who teaches that language so it is understood by all. This person has been with us for many years now, and in my opinion, is an unsung hero and teacher of our community. As both a dancer and a caller, I have had the pleasure of knowing this person in many different venues. Some of you know this person well; some may not.
This year's recipient is a computer geek like some of the rest of us, and gardens like some of us wish we could! I think this person is a shy kind of person, but always at the ready with kind words and a dry wit, who started dancing in 1986 and calling and teaching in 1988.
This person is involved at the local, national and international level of gay and straight dancing and calling, has taught many square dance classes over the years, and has had a hand in hosting not one, but two of our beloved conventions. This person has also stood at the helm of the Gay Callers Association, shaping it into an organization respected by callers and dancers alike.
This person's name, in Old Hebrew, means "the appointed one" and it gives me great pleasure to appoint the 2005 Golden Boot recipient...
... would you come forward, please?
I have one more comment... I will tell you that his own parents, Mommala and Poppala Levine, got their own 10-year medallions this year at convention, as Seth got his 20th! Talk about keeping it in the family!!