Golden Boot 2003
Golden Boot 2003 - Rick Hawes
presentation at Anchors Aweigh With a Half-Sashay by Andy Shore
The Golden Boot Award is our way of recognizing special, lasting, or significant contributions to the gay & lesbian square dance community. But many people don't know that the Golden Boot is not an "official" IAGSDC award. There is no formal selection process or criteria for choosing the recipient. The Boot is passed on each year from one recipient to the next. Last year in Toronto, Betsy Gotta passed the Golden Boot award on to me. I was surprised, and deeply touched, and within hours I realized that I had the formidable task of choosing this year's honoree.
So I did some research: The Golden Boot has been awarded 19 times. It has gone to 1 club, 15 individuals, and 3 groups of 2 or 3 people. Excluding the club, it has gone to 17 men and 5 women, 2 straights (both women) and 20 gays. 8 recipients are primarily callers and 14 are not; 3 of the past recipients have left this earthly plane, and a few are no longer active in Gay and Lesbian Square Dancing. Will those past Golden Boot recipients that are with us tonight please stand and be recognized. (wait for applause...) These people and their stories encapsulate our history. By next year's convention, I plan to create a Golden Boot archive website and album to preserve the history of the Golden Boot and help tell the ongoing story of Gay and Lesbian Square Dancing. Tonight, I'm proud to add one more person to this legacy.
This year's recipient has been involved with Gay and Lesbian Square Dancing in almost every possible role: Club officer, Fly-in Chairman, Convention Co-Chair, perennial IAGSDC delegate, workshop and class leader, and many years ago as chairman of the Association. He is often a curmudgeon, yet always caring and with the best interests of the Association and square dancing at heart. And for the past few years, he's been familiar to all of you as the keeper and presenter of the 10 year Medallions. This year's Golden Boot Award goes to - the Sofa -
(Andy presented Rick with an engraved pocket watch reading "Golden Boot 2003" and a Golden Boot dangle.)