Bradley Bell
The Bradley Bell is a phone and address directory for IAGSDC members to keep in touch and stay informed. Membership and listing information is usually solicited at the annual convention, and production of the directory takes place some time after that. It includes IAGSDC history, club listings, event listings, and personal listings which includes birthdays and email addresses.
The Bradley Bell is available in print, CD, and PDF formats. Annual subscriptions renewals are requested by July 31.
Created by Freeman Stamper (AKA Mama Jo Bradley) and The Bradley Family in 1988. Freeman handed over the project to stepmother Gordon Macaw in 2001.
Bradley Bell is an affiliate member of the IAGSDC. The Bradley Bell provides a membership directory for square dancers that helps friends (both old and new) keep in touch. (You don't have to be a square dancer in order to list - non-dancers are also welcome.)
You go out and make the friends; we keep your address book for you. If you meet someone at an event and want to give them your contact information, just tell them they can find your details in the directory. Many members can attest to the ability of the Bradley Bell to expedite trysts and romances!
The Bradley Bell has been published every year since its Inaugural Edition in 1988.[1]
To properly understand the Bradley Bell one must go back to 1986. There was a Western Star retreat held and it included a cabin decorating contest. Some of the dancers called their tent "Petticoat Junction" and this was the beginning of the Bradleys.
In 1987 in Portland the Bradleys made their first appearance dressed alike as the Bradley Family. After this convention the Bradleys decided that since they had their own square dance club and their own town, they also needed their own telephone system. Of course with their own telephone system came their own telephone directory. The Bradley Bell arrived on the scene at the Phoenix convention in 1988. (The name came from a combination of their name and, of course, all those bell telephone companies.)
The Bradley Bell has served the gay and lesbian square dance community well over the years with names (and aliases), addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses for dancers throughout our square dance world.
The Bell had been a constant since 1988 but ill health forced the Bradleys to momentarily cease production after the 2000 convention in Baltimore. It is reassuring to know that the tradition continued as Gordon Macaw of Phoenix has taken it over. Our deep gratitude to the Bradleys for starting this project and to Gordon for continuing this amazing resource.[2]
The Year Without A Bradley Bell
It is with great disappointment that The Bradleys announce that we will be unable to produce the l3th Edition of Bradley Bell for 2000. Those of you who have already renewed or subscribed by writing checks can void those checks in your registers, as they will eventually be sent back to you. Those of you who have already renewed or subscribed by paying with cash (which is the vast majority of you) will eventually receive a cash refund.
Shortly after Crack the Crab, Uncle Joe Jo (the production part of The Bell) started having a series of illnesses. Thinking that any day his health would turn around, we have delayed making this decision. Yes, there are other Bradleys, but all are not database literate; and those who are, are not proficient in the database and overlay software that we are using. It is estimated that it would be mid- to late-November before a finished directory could be published if others had the time to take over the task. We believe that is way too late, considering that renewals for the next edition will probably start in April 2001 at Make Magic.
We have worked hard for l2 years to earn your trust and loyalty, and we know that it is high for The Bell. We are honored by your dedication to this project. As I indicated at the beginning, it is with regret that we make this announcement.
Don't Stop! Don't Slow Down!
Practice random acts of kindness.
Mama Jo Bradley[3]
Cover Gallery
Subscription Form
External Links
Bradley Bell website