Bill Eyler

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Promotional photo for Stars, Thars & Cable Cars, 1996

William F Eyler, Jr

Clubs & Associations

Boots in Squares
Moonshine Dancers
Wilde Bunch


Mix and match facts: Nicknamed "Billibob" and "Silver Throat". Age 36. Currently beardless. Interest piqued in gay square dancing in 1983. Coerced into teaching 1984. In his addiction, also learned clogging, round dancing, C&W, Latin dancing. Currently club calling in Santa Fe and Albuquerque three nights a week, and guest calling several dozen times per year wherever the winds take him.

Self-employed as a small business accountant, but first love is calling and dancing; aspirations of full-time calling. Second love is the frustration of gardening in a desert climate.

Graduated from Louisiana Tech University, a fascinating study in small town colleges. Coincidentally, this is the rival college of Freeman Stamper's Alma Mater of Northeast Louisiana University, a mere 30 miles away. (He graduated years earlier, though!)

Happily attached to his lovely dance partner, Jim Bialey, for over 12 years, going on a lifetime.

Have definite opinions that everyone should be exposed to Friendship Set to Music!

Bill is also member of Callerlab, N.M. State Callers Assn., Central N.M. Callers Club (officer 3 of past 4 years).[1]

Quick Facts

GCA Caller School

  • teaching assistant 2007, 2010

Media Features


  • served on the convention committee for Diamonds In The Desert
  • past officer of the Gay Callers Association, Treasurer 1993-1994
  • past editor of [[The Call Sheet

Golden Boot Award

In 1994, Anna Damiani, Stan Boyden, and Bill St. John presented Bill and Luis Torres with the Golden Boot Award.
In 1995, Bill and Luis presented the award to Anne Uebelacker.

Medallion Dancer



  1. IAGSDC Convention Program (Miami), 1991