Bert Cassan

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At Make Magic, 2001

Arthur Bertrand Cassan Jr.
01 Mar 1935 - 02 Aug 2021

Clubs & Associations

Boots in Squares
Empire Squares
Royalty Squares

Medallion Dancer


Arthur B Cassan Jr, age 86, of Claremont, California passed away on Monday, August 2, 2021. Arthur was born March 1, 1935. Fond memories and expressions of sympathy may be shared at for the Cassan Jr family.[1]


Bert was associated with BIS from around 2003 to around 2010. He lived in Fontana and drove over to Cathedral City to attend our weekly dances. He attended many conventions. The last time I saw him was, I think, at the Seattle convention in 2018. He was no longer dancing and did not appear to be in good health.
β€” Dwight Fine

Oh, thank you for sharing. He was always so fun to dance and chat with.
β€” Louise Richards

I’m so saddened to hear that this delightful man has left us. 😞
β€” Reed Vernon Waller

I always thought of Bert as the Elton John of square dancing.
β€” Tedd Foley

R. I. PπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
β€” Michael Weiss

β€” Tomas Todd

Bert you will be missed!!! You were the life of the Party! Always had me laughing! πŸ˜œπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸŒˆπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
β€” Jeff Wise

May his memory be a blessing; his life and his smile sure were....
β€” Bo O'Dell

Always smiling. That’s how I will remember him.RIP.
β€” John Mckinstry

RIP Bert
β€” Randy Clarke-Ianiero

Oh nooooo ... I taught Bert to dance at Royalty Squares!!! 😒
β€” Deborah Carroll-Jones

I am so sorry ! Good night Bert; sleep well; you will be missed.
β€” Benny Sevilla

Another ray of sunshine dimmed. Elin loved you Bert and had so much fun with you.
β€” Terri Sherrer

A sweet soul - RIP Bert.
β€” John Faulds

Very, very sad. And from when I met him @ Royalty Squares, "Turn around Bert". And danced with him @ Empire, GSS, TTS, SS, BiS and too many conventions, a bright multi-colored light has gone out. Honor him by letting your loudest freak flag fly!
β€” Harvey Soldan

Another bright light has left. Always enjoyed sitting and listening to all the wonderful stories he had to tell.
β€” Frances Glenn

I will miss you Bert! RIP
β€” Gordon Macaw

At lease he won’t have to pay anymore taxes.
β€” Harold Dillashaw

Oh No! So sorry. RIP Bert.
β€” Sandie Bryant

What a hilarious, wonderful, dedicated soul. I shall miss Bert.
β€” RD Frankel

So sorry πŸ™ πŸ™
β€” Evan M. Malin

A friend to all.
β€” Richard Hugunine

Naked camp won't be the same without you, Bert!
β€” Nick Martellacci

This is a shock. Wanted to type "no, no, no." I will miss him greatly.
β€” Clara Welch

Convention just won't be the same without Bert. He was quite the character. RIP Bert
β€” Brian Wilding

Memorial Panel



  1. ↑ Neptune Society website : accessed 04 Nov 2021.