Deborah Carroll-Jones
Deborah Caroll-Jones
AKA Deborah Parnell
Clubs & Associations
Deborah has been a square dancer since 1979, and began apprenticing to be a caller in 1982. She called her first dance in August of 1983, and has been calling full time since 1984.
Deborah met her husband, Frank Lescrinier, in a caller's school in June of 1984 and were married in January of 1986. Each has a daughter by a previous marriage, Erin and Jodi, both 6 years old.
The February 1988 issue of the American Square Dance Magazine featured a two page article about her and Frank.
Deborah has called in the following states: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Texas, Utah and Washington.
She has also called in Canada, the Caribbean, and Mexico while conducting four separate cruises. Also included was a two country tour to New Zealnd and Australia completed in 1993. Other international trips included a one week festival in Mexico in late 1993.
In 1990 and 1991 Deborah and Frank were the California Chairmen for the Callerlab Foundation for the Promotion and Preservation of Square Dancing. They have instructed many Caller Schools, and in 1995 Deborah received her accreditation as a Callerlab Accredited Caller Coach, the 30th such caller in the world to achieve such status. Deborah and Frank have led many interest sessions at the Callerlab Conventions and the National Conventions on the following subject matters: Computers as they relate to Square Dancing, Music, Bookkeeping, Showmanship, Caller-Partner Relationships, Formation Management, Working with Music, Successful Choreography. In September of 1994, she conducted a seminar on Choreography for NECCA, the New England Caller's Association. Deborah is currently Vice-Chairman of the Caller Training Committee of Callerlab, and began a three year term as a member of the Callerlab Board of Governors in 1995.
Deborah and Frank have produced four cassette tapes. The "Deborah" tape is collection of singing calls, with Mainstream and Plus figures. The "From the Heart" tape is an assortment of country songs, from traditional to country pop. Deborah has always loved country music, although the music for her singing calls covers different types of music. The "Born Under a Lucky Star" tape, wh1ch consists of one with singing calls, the other side with regular songs, was completed in December, 1990. The latest singing call tape, "My Road of Happy Destiny," was released in late 1995.
Deborah is currently a staff recording artist for Hi-Hat Records, with songs titled "Hakuna Matata," "I Fall to P1eces," and "The Color of the Wind." Her first record was "Couch Potato," a medley of television songs on Rockin' M' Records, released in June, 1994.
Deborah calls Basics through A-2 and Frank calls Basics through C-l.[1]
Quick Facts
- on the IAGSDC convention calling staff at
- lives in Arlington, TX
- Deborah's caller profile on
GCA Caller School
- coach 1996, 2003, 2007, 2011
Medallion Dancer
- 2013 | 10 Year Medallion at Weave Your Heart in San Francisco
As Barbie during the Honky Tonk Queen contest at Lights, Camera, Linear Action, 1999