Warren Jay Eggly

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Warren Jay Eggly
AKA Alotta Gelotta
25 Dec 1959 - 22 Oct 2017

Clubs & Associations

Bathing Beauties
El Camino Reelers
Running Bear Squares

Quick Facts

Medallion Dancer


Memorial Bench
Richard Adams set up a GoFund Me fundraiser to place a bench with a memorial plaque in the Mountain View Shoreline Park Kite Area. The fundraiser was successful and a memorial at the newly installed bench was held on 10 Jun 2018.[1]


Warren was born on 25 Dec 1959 and raised on the Jersey Shore. He later was a resident of Mountain View, California and started dancing in 1996. His first convention was Wheel & Deal in Las Vegas, NV in 1997. He attended 14 conventions with his last being the San Francisco convention in 2013. He first ran for Honky Tonk Queen in 2000 and won the tri-partite sash in 2001 as Alotta Gelotta, one of the two Big Boned Girls backing up Mary Gold (Neil Heather) with the assistance of Patsy Sue Venear (Chuck Krysieniel).

He was a fantastic community builder and an early leader of different gay employee groups including the Bay area digital/DEC LGBT group, HTG, and BAYMEC in the late 80s and later the LGBT at Sun Microsystems. He staged the "Megalunch" gatherings connecting LGBT employees from different employers and disciplines. He was active as a geocacher and become a coordinator for many events.

He passed away on 22 Oct 2017. He is survived by his partner, Horacio Barber.

The El Camino Reelers honored the memory of square dancer Warren Eggly at the 2018 convention Circle Back to Seattle, directly after the Club photo on 06 Jul 2018 at 4:10pm.

Memorial Panel

