Randy Clarke-Ianiero

Randy Clarke-Ianiero
Clubs & Associations
Boots in Squares
El Camino Reelers
Foggy City Dancers
Foggy City Performance Team
Gold Rush
Heads to the Center
Midnight Squares
Running Bear Squares
Stanford Quads
Top Cats
Western Star Dancers
Windmill Twirlers
Randy Clarke-Ianiero began square dancing in his youth. He joined Foggy City Dancers in San Francisco and attended his first convention Star Thru The Golden Gate in 1986.
Quick Facts
- participated in Pink Triangles in Red Square
- serves on the board of All Join Hands (Charitable Foundation)
- served on the IAGSDC Executive Committee as Vice Chair, 1994-1995
- served as convention co-chair of Stars, Thars & Cable Cars 1996, Star Thru The Silicon Galaxy 2005, Palm Springs Swing & Mix 2017
Golden Boot Award
In 2006, Seth Levine presented All Join Hands, represented by board members Randy, Gordon Macaw, Greg Wilson, and Gary Dougan, with the Golden Boot Award.
In 2007, Gordon, on behalf of AJH, presented the award to Scott Philips.
Medallion Dancer
- 1995 | 10 Year Medallion at Track II Chicago
- 2005 | 20 Year Medallion at Star Thru The Silicon Galaxy
- 2011 | 25 Year Medallion at Gone With The Windmill
- 2017 | 30 Year Medallion at Palm Springs Swing & Mix 2017
At Star Thru The Golden Gate, 1986
At Peel The Apple, 1989
At Remake The Circle, 1993
At Stars & Squares Forever, 1994
At Wish Upon A Thar, 2006
At Gone With The Windmill, 2011
At Dance Up A Storm, 2012
At Dance Up A Storm, 2012
At Squeeze the Hive, 2014
At Squeeze The Hive, 2014
At Maple Leafs Regroup, 2016
At Maple Leafs Regroup, 2016