Jack Dodds

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Jack Dodds
17 Jul 1940 - 25 Jul 2024

Clubs & Associations

Bloomin' Squares
Boots in Squares
Tinseltown Squares


Boots in Squares is sorry to announce the death of Jack Dodds, after a long battle with cancer. Jack died in his home last night.  He was born July 17, 1940, died July 25, 2024.  He danced with Tinseltown for many years before moving to Palm Springs.

Dwight Fine

Paul McCullough is the one that was with Jack Dodd on his final night after his long bout with cancer; he also arranged the memorial at Jack’s house at 1570 S La Verne Way, Palm Springs. He seems to be the executor of Jack’s wishes. There were 17 people at the memorial in Jack’s living room; Paul gave the welcome, and most of us shared some memories of Jack through the years.  One gentlemen there had known Jack from teenage school days—they also both became teachers for their careers, and kept in touch all these years. Several were local friends that looked in on him during his failing days, and two women were his long-time house cleaners that he was friends with for many years.  The square dancers there were Bill from New York (can’t remember last name at the moment), Dwight Fine and myself.  Paul had prepared a very nice spread for the attendees, including what he said were Jack’s favorite—baked potatoes.

I had known Jack through square dancing from the early 90s calling for Tinseltown Squares. I had lost track of him for a long time, other than seeing him at conventions, but at some point he moved from L.A. to Palm Springs, and danced on and off with Boots in Squares until his health started getting really bad about 2018 or 2019.  His convention badge had all the city shingles on it from Albuquerque ’92 through Philadelphia ’19.

I only got a bit of personal information at the memorial:  He was born in NJ, but his family moved to the Los Angeles area in the early 1950s. He became involved in equestrian affairs, was in the Navy for a period of time, and became a teacher and later assistant principal at (possibly) North Hollywood High.  It was mentioned that he was well-versed in Hollywood and Los Angeles history.

If there are things like obituaries or such, I couldn’t find one online, but Paul may have more information.  I only found this information on Facebook about who I think is him:


Per Dwight Fine, ‘the only contact information I have for Paul McCullough is his phone number, 323-578-5926.’

Bill Eyler

Medallion Dancer
