Evil Twin

Generally, the phrase "Evil Twin" refers to one of a pair of well-known IAGSDC callers, who are:
Either one will look you in the eye and say that she's the good one...it's the other one who's evil.
Hi. 1985. Before Anne came out. Joe is actually the one who started it because we were the only two women on NACC (National Advanced and Challenge Convention). He said he couldn’t tell us apart. Had to do with hair. 1st day we both had straight hair. When Joe made that statement, that night, with no communication, we both went back to our rooms and straightened our hair. Next day ... We laughed because Joe STILL couldn’t tell us apart. In Ohio “Dad” (Anne’s father) also aided this thing. Then it was who was the evil one. Then there is the story of “How she turned me black”. Go on YouTube and look for Anne and Sandie calling Crossfire. I told the whole story while she was calling. Had to do with beer.
We began to build on the story with the “I was given away, sent across the border, etc.
— Sandie Bryant [1]
Yes, Sandie McElroy is now Sandie Bryant and the story is true. It happened in Toledo where we were all on staff at the AACC. To add to the saga, after Sandie was married, I called her for some reason and her husband picked up the phone. After our "hello's" (he didn't know me or the story) I asked to speak with Sandie. He asked who was calling and I said "this is her husband and I wanted to know how the kids were". Needless to say there was some awkwardness after that. I was able to explain the whole thing and of course it went further when Sandie got home and her husband said her other husband had called.
— Joe Uebelacker [2]
At Remake The Heatwave, 2004
At DC Diamond Circulate, 2009
At Squeeze The Hive, 2014
Anne and Sandie calling, 2009
- ↑ Text to James Ozanich, 28 Mar 2023
- ↑ Email to Jim Babcock, 08 Apr 2023