The Twins' Guide To Staging Convention

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After many years of encountering what they felt were the same problems callers faced during IAGSDC conventions, Anne Uebelacker and Sandie Bryant asked Allan Hurst to write up a "how-to" guide on avoiding pitfalls of staging convention, for future committees.

From roughly 2001 through 2004, Anne and Sandie dictated, orated, and emailed their various thoughts to Allan, who compiled an extensive list. That list turned into a 50-page guide. During this same period, Allan also worked in person with Anne and Sandie each time they all were at the same fly-in or convention.

The guide was originally completed in 2004, and was published on Allan Hurst’s personal square dance articles his website at until around 2010, when he removed it for reasons he honestly can’t remember.

The article has been re-introduced to Allan’s website and the IAGSDC History Wiki as of March 7th, 2021.

Anne & Sandie's Guide to Staging Convention (from

Anne & Sandie's Guide to Staging Convention (local copy on wiki)