Pete Diven

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Pete Diven

Clubs & Associations

Chesapeake Squares


Pete grew up in south-central Pennsylvania, and began square dancing when he was taken by his parents to square dances. He started his first class when he was a wee 7 years old. He began calling over in Japan, when he was stationed with the US Air Force in the late 1960's. He began at amateur night and quickly progressed to being the club caller for the group on base.

After returning to the States, Pete continued to call in central California for a year, returned to Okinawa in 1973 and called for two clubs there, and learned to cue round dancing. He returned for good to the states in 1976, and took up residence in Edgewood MD, where he was approached by Deb Cohen and Russell Cashdollar about being the club caller for Chesapeake Squares. Pete's been calling the club night now for the past 12 years, putting the dancers through their paces, and expecting them to dance by definition in all cases. He has a fun repertoire of calls and routines, and everyone always enjoys Pete's "old-tyme calls" sessions that he does from time to time. Pete's an old-timer, you know, and he knows all the tricks!

Pete calls through A2 and is currently studying the C1 level. He recently married a lovely woman named Janet and relocated to the hills northwest of Baltimore. Chesapeake Squares is very proud to have Pete on staff for Crack the Crab![1]

Quick Facts



  1. IAGSDC Convention Program (Baltimore), 2000