Michael Graham

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Michael Edward Graham
14 Feb 1941 - 13 May 1992

Clubs & Associations

Emerald City Squares
Puddletown Dancers


Michael Edward Graham, 51, Seattle, formerly of this area, died May 13, 1992, at the home. Services were May 18; cremation, with private burial in Johnson County Memorial Gardens Cemetery. The family requests no flowers and suggests contributions to the American Heart Association. Mr. Graham was born in Kansas City and grew up in this area. He moved to Seattle 15 years ago. He was a telecommunications consultant for the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Seattle. He was a member of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Seattle. He was an Air Force veteran. His father, Edward S. Graham, died May 9, 1992. Survivors include his mother, Mildred W. Graham, Overland Park; three brothers, Thomas S. Graham, Fort Scott, Kan., James C . Graham, Stilwell in Johnson County, and Gordon L. Graham, Peachtree City, Ga.; and a sister, Susan K. Mize, Lenexa.[1]

Memorial Panel



  1. The Kansas City Star (Kansas City, MO) Friday, 22 May 1992.