Lismore Scooters

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Location: East Ballina, NSW, Australia

Started: 1993

Admitted to IAGSDC: 01 Jul 1994 as Full Member

Status: Folded, 1995

History: (November 1993 - written by Stuart Mauchline): The group got organized by me telling the AIDS council we should get a support group together so they could have somewhere to go and enjoy themselves. Also for the gay community to participate also. Within 2 weeks of that discussion we had a hall and 9 people turned up. (From Lismore Scooters first newsletter, March 1994): The Lismore Scooters commenced on Friday 17 May 1993. The Lismore Office of the AIDS Council of New South Wales asked if I would teach square and line dancing on a regular basis; that was on 3 May. I said yes but I would need a hall, etc. By early the following week they had found a place and Scooters started with ten people at the first dance.

The club shut down for six months in 1995 while Stuart was at university. It never got started again. Stuart started the Brisbane Scooters in 1995 but it folded in 1996


Club Caller[s]: Stuart Mauchline

Levels: Basic, Mainstream, Plus, Rounds, Line Dances

Dance Location[s]:

Fly-Ins Hosted:

Conventions Hosted:
