Kevin Andersen

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Kevin John Andersen
05 Oct 1965 - 02 Dec 2020

Clubs & Associations

Minnesota Wild Roses
Suncoast Squares

Medallion Dancer

Kevin was born October 5, 1965. Passed December 2, 2020 from COVID.


Having lived with Cerebral Palsy his whole life, I think square dancing is what kept him on his feet instead of being in a wheel chair. He either took lessons at Square Bears in White Bear Lake (mom & dad belonged to) or Square and Twirl. He graduated from square dancing in 1987. He stopped square dancing in 2017-2018. He enjoyed his round dancing from 1991 – 2016 and was at a Phase 4 for rounds. A2 for square dancing. Then the decline in his mobility started showing after he quit dancing.

The family joined Wanderings Wheels in the 80’s? They belonged to a different Square Dance camping club called Rolling Squares (folded) before they joined Wandering Wheels. Don’t have that info here! Then quit Wandering Wheels when they moved to AZ. You can say they belonged to two Square Dance Camping Clubs for several years. Kevin’s dad Jerry was always in charge of the buoy when we had it at the Wandering Wheels camp out.
The family left Maplewood, MN in 2006-2007 and moved to Apache Junction AZ full time.
He worked at Burger Queen. He loved going out and doing karaoke!!
Monica Keyes

I mostly knew Kevin from dancing with a straight RV club in Minnesota called Wandering Wheels. Kevin often came with his parents while they spent summers in Minnesota. Kevin was also a member of Minnesota Wild Roses, but that was before my time in Minnesota. The family had already started spending winters in Arizona. I think Kevin's family came from Minnesota originally. He was a wonderful person, and loved square dancing.

Rest in Peace - Kevin Andersen... you will be greatly missed... Kevin had danced in Minnesota and attended many IAGSDC conventions. He last lived in Apache Junction, AZ
David J. Lent

Kevin was a sweet man. He belonged to Suncoast Squares, but never danced with us in Florida, just at convention. He paid his club dues three years in advance, so that he wouldn't forget.
Dan Mutschler

RIP Kevin Andersen. I remember Kevin very well from the IAGSDC conventions.
Danny Miller

I'm terribly sorry to hear this. He was such a warm, caring, and friendly guy. Always had a smile and a hug to share whenever we met up at conventions.
Michael Levy

With a saddened heart, Kevin Andersen, has passed. He lived in Apache Juntion, Arizona.
Wardson Lambert

Memorial Panel
