John Arnold
John Arnold
aka Ms Tra La La
12 Nov 1947 - 12 Feb 2021
Clubs & Associations
Desert Valley Squares
Wilde Bunch
He was not only an avid square dancer but also a former finance manager for the New Mexico BioPark Society, after which he remained heavily involved with the BioPark. The Executive Director of the BioPark Society has designed a 12x12 plaque, called a Celebration Tile, in memory of John that will be located near the Cottonwood Cafe in the Zoo. Nearly $1000 was donated for John's celebration tile which begins production in the summer of 2021.
Medallion Dancer
- 2002 | 10 Year Medallion at Cloverleafs & Maple Leafs
From Facebook
Another 30+ year friend gone. John Arnold passed away last night after a long illness. He had so many health issues in the years I've known him, but this last one, he couldn't conquer. He was a trooper, always with a ready smile.
John and I had a shared love of Schnauzers; he was also the same sort of accountant I was, gravitating toward non-profits and worthy causes. He had a great love of square dancing and in the early years I knew him, he and his then-partner Dalin did some pretty great drag. R.I.P. old friend. I had met some of his family many years ago, so hope they were there at the end.
— Bill Eyler
Will miss you, loved our visits as I cut your hair, rest in peace my friend
— James Torres
He hosted me at my first Chase the Chile in the ‘90s. Always smiling and pleasant. May his memory be a blessing to his family and to all whose lives he touched.
— Alan Josephson
RIP... John was always welcoming and a great comfort when I needed someone to talk with. 😢
— Tom Barrett
This man’s eyes and smile sparkled with “Welcome.” His voice gave comfort. Another to be dearly missed.
— Rahn Anderson
We met John when he picked us up at the airport when we did the ABQ fly-in. Enjoyed spending time with him that weekend and several others 😢
— Kathy Zottmann
My wife met John at a square dance banquet, but we don’t remember where. She was touched by his story of how he rented, very affordably, the other half of his duplex to a single mom who had a daughter, and they were like family to him. May he Rest In Peace. 💐
— Tami Hazen
Nice man! I remember that kind face!
— Brad Hindahl
Oh no! John was a dear square dancing friend (even my roommate at convention). A truly special man. A fighter. A talker. A lover. An advocate. A confidante. A fountain of soul.💔
— R Moss Brannon
Very sad news. I knew John when he danced with Desert Valley.
— John Faulds
Memorial Panel
At Remake The Circle, 1993
At Weave The Rose, 1998
(L-R)ː Dalin Byrd, Len Cazares, Ms Tra La La at Remake The Circle, 1993
John Arnold as Ms Tra La La at Remake The Circle, 1993