John Arnold

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John Arnold.jpg

John Arnold

aka Ms Tra La La
12 Nov 1947 - 12 Feb 2021

Clubs & Associations

Desert Valley Squares
Wilde Bunch


He was not only an avid square dancer but also a former finance manager for the New Mexico BioPark Society, after which he remained heavily involved with the BioPark. The Executive Director of the BioPark Society has designed a 12x12 plaque, called a Celebration Tile, in memory of John that will be located near the Cottonwood Cafe in the Zoo. Nearly $1000 was donated for John's celebration tile which begins production in the summer of 2021.

Medallion Dancer


From Facebook
Another 30+ year friend gone. John Arnold passed away last night after a long illness. He had so many health issues in the years I've known him, but this last one, he couldn't conquer. He was a trooper, always with a ready smile.
John and I had a shared love of Schnauzers; he was also the same sort of accountant I was, gravitating toward non-profits and worthy causes. He had a great love of square dancing and in the early years I knew him, he and his then-partner Dalin did some pretty great drag. R.I.P. old friend. I had met some of his family many years ago, so hope they were there at the end.
Bill Eyler

Will miss you, loved our visits as I cut your hair, rest in peace my friend
James Torres

He hosted me at my first Chase the Chile in the ‘90s. Always smiling and pleasant. May his memory be a blessing to his family and to all whose lives he touched.
Alan Josephson

RIP... John was always welcoming and a great comfort when I needed someone to talk with. 😢
Tom Barrett

This man’s eyes and smile sparkled with “Welcome.” His voice gave comfort. Another to be dearly missed.
Rahn Anderson

We met John when he picked us up at the airport when we did the ABQ fly-in. Enjoyed spending time with him that weekend and several others 😢
Kathy Zottmann

My wife met John at a square dance banquet, but we don’t remember where. She was touched by his story of how he rented, very affordably, the other half of his duplex to a single mom who had a daughter, and they were like family to him. May he Rest In Peace. 💐
Tami Hazen

Nice man! I remember that kind face!
Brad Hindahl

Oh no! John was a dear square dancing friend (even my roommate at convention). A truly special man. A fighter. A talker. A lover. An advocate. A confidante. A fountain of soul.💔
R Moss Brannon

Very sad news. I knew John when he danced with Desert Valley.
John Faulds

Memorial Panel
