Don Williams
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At DC Diamond Circulate, 2009
Don Williams
Clubs & Associations
Bloomin’ Squares
Golden State Squares
Royalty Squares
Tinseltown Squares
GCA Caller School
- attended as a student 1989, 1990
Medallion Dancer
- 1995 | 10 Year Medallion at Track II Chicago
- 2005 | 20 Year Medallion at Star Thru The Silicon Galaxy
At Explode The Rose, 1987
At Remake The Circle, 1993
At Stars, Thars & Cable Cars, 1996
At Stars, Thars & Cable Cars, 1996
At Stars, Thars & Cable Cars, 1996
At Cloverleafs & Maple Leafs, 2002
At DC Diamond Circulate, 2009
At DC Diamond Circulate, 2009