Dennis Moore
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At Red Rocks and Purple Mountains, 2007
Dennis Moore
Clubs & Associations
Capital City Squares
Midnight Squares
Prime 8s
Western Star Dancers
Quick Facts
Partner of Jeff Barlow
Medallion Dancer
- 1997 | 10 Year Medallion at Wheel & Deal
- 2007 | 20 Year Medallion at Red Rocks and Purple Mountains
- 2013 | 25 Year Medallion at Weave Your Heart in San Francisco
At Northstar Promenade, 1990
At Northstar Promenade, 1990
At Cast A Shadow In The Sun, 1991
At Diamonds In The Desert, 1992
At Remake The Circle, 1993
At Remake The Circle, 1993
At Stars & Squares Forever, 1994
At Track II Chicago, 1995
At Stars, Thars & Cable Cars, 1996
At Wheel & Deal, 1997
At Wheel & Deal, 1997
At Weave The Rose, 1998
At Red Rocks and Purple Mountains, 2007