Tim Crawford
Tim Crawford
Clubs & Associations
Tim lives in Burlington, Ontario, Canada with his wife Linda. He started Square Dancing at the age of 8, he says, because his parents made him. He started calling at the age of 10 because he enjoyed the music and he was trying to impress the girls in his teen club.
He presently calls for three clubs through the level of C-2. He has called at festivals coast to coast in Canada, most States and Europe. He currently serves as a member of the Board of Governors of Callerlab as well as the President-Elect for the Canadian Western Dance Instructors Association, a newly formed association of Callers and Leaders in Canada.
He enjoys the travel associated with calling and the pure enjoyment people get from square dancing. His real life consists of being the president of his Insurance Brokerage. He says his job, coupled with calling, keeps him busy!
He never grows tired of the anticipation of meeting new people and trying new things and is looking forward to calling for our event.[1]
Quick Facts
- on the IAGSDC convention calling staff at
- lives in Burlington, Ontario, Canada
- Tim's caller profile on ceder.net
GCA Caller School
- coach (not employeed) 2003