Sample Questions for 10/25 Participants
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Allan Hurst is the editor for this section. Please contact him with questions and comments about content for this section.
Listed below are sample questions for the proposed 10/25 interview project, which was replaced by the IAGSDC History Project wiki. Some interviews were conducted and can be found throughout this wiki.
Club Interview Questions
- What year was your club started?
- Who started your club?
- Why was your club started?
- How was your club started?
- Where did your club start (and continue) dancing?
- When was your first class/graduation, and what level(s)?
- Who taught your first class(s)?
- Who's taught your classes since then?
- How often does (did) your club offer "club night" dancing?
- How often does (did) your club offer club dances?
- What's the story behind your club name?
- Which dancer(s) has(have) been a member the longest?
- What's the age range of your club members?
- Has your club participated in any Pride or other civic events? (What were they, when, etc.)
- How many students graduated in your first class?
- How many students do you typically graduate now?
- Describe any specific story(ies) that captures the essence of your club.
- Describe any significant media attention.
- How have your club and its members interacted with straight square dancing in your area?
- What organizations is the club affiliated with or a member of? Alan Hirsch 21:33, 25 June 2009 (UTC)
- What other questions should be asked about clubs? Allan Hurst
Dancer Interview Questions
- What year did you start dancing?
- Which caller(s) taught you square dancing (at each level)?
- Why did you start dancing?
- How did you get involved in dancing? (Were you recruited? If so, by whom?)
- How many years have you danced (e.g., danced for five years, took a break for two years, danced three more years since)
- How do you prefer to dress for dancing (at a club night/at a class/at a dance/at a convention)?
- How often (many times per week/month) have you/do you dance, and with which club(s)?
- What year were you born, and where?
- What are your favorite aspects of square dancing?
- What are your least favorite aspects of square dancing?
- What other questions should be asked about dancers? Allan Hurst
Caller Interview Questions
- What year did you start calling?
- Where did you learn to call, and from whom?
- Why and when did you decide to become a caller?
- Who is (or has been) an influence on your calling style?
- How often (many times per week/month) have you/do you call, and for which club(s)?
- What year were you born, and where?
- What are your favorite aspects of calling ?
- What are your least favorite aspects of calling?
- What other questions should be asked about callers? Allan Hurst
Event Interview Questions
- Continuing or one-time?
- Name and history of name?
- When and where?
- Statistics of participation (number of attendees, average, minimum, maximum over years)
- Sponsoring organization (club, IAGSDC, other) Alan Hirsch 21:33, 25 June 2009 (UTC)
- What, if anything, is missing from this list of interview questions? Allan Hurst