New Year Resolutions
Location: Orange County, CA, USA. There were also clubs in Palm Springs and Long Beach
Started: 1982
Admitted to IAGSDC: 22 Aug 1986 as Full Member (West Hollywood)
Status: Folded, 1987
History: (Written by Dave in 1985): Dave "Happy" New Year, Caller, started teaching a square dance class in Palm Springs in 1982, at the Sundance Saloon. He formed a group called the Newyear's Sundancers, which grew to 42 dancers. Then he started teaching a class in Orange County and Long Beach called the New Year's Resolutions, which grew to 64 dancers. All groups dance Mainstream (w/some Plus) at each other's locations. The Orange County group has two squares of gay women, which I believe is more women than any other group in the country. We're still the only square dance groups in Southern California that dances Callerlab, so come dance with us.
The groups were caller-run and continued until Happy's health deteriorated to the point where it was too much for him.
Club Caller[s]: Dave "Happy" New Year
Levels: Basic, Mainstream, Plus
Dance Location[s]:
Fly-Ins Hosted:
Conventions Hosted: