Kiyoshi Kikuchi

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Kiyoshi Kikuchi

Clubs & Associations



I started square dancing when I was a high school student in Tokyo. I didn't start calling until about 20 years ago. Recently I have been mostly calling C1 thru C4, but I used be a caller of Mainstream club. When I started my calling, there were a few challenge dancers, but now there are many in Japan.

I have been writing definition books of calls and concepts in Japanese. I think these have helped a lot of the local dancers who don't read English [almost all of dancers).

In addition to calling, I am still working as a computer software engineer. I have also written programs to enable a caller to quickly retrieve sequences that feature (or avoid) particular calls. This makes it very easy to call a "class-level" dance or a workshop.

Thank you very much for having me a chance of calling at the IAGSDC convention.[1]

Quick Facts


  1. IAGSDC Convention Program (Santa Clara), 2005