History Project Organizational Notes

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Organization of IAGSDC History Project

Project Lead
Senior Editor

Section Editors

People & 10/25 Interview Coordinator (Happy Doodle)
Related Organizations, Projects, Publications

Editorial Content

Guide to IAGSDC Convention - ask Debbie Ceder to finish breaking each subject down to a separate page
Club archives
Western Star Newsletters available via PDF - need someone to upload the newsletters and create an index. Preferably, the full text of each newsletter would be scanned in for searching.
Linking Crew - Headed up by Keith Gehrig
Run through entire wiki and latest articles, checking for:
Names of people, places, and clubs that aren't already hyperlinked

Logistical Challenges

Backing up - documentation needed for both of these operations
The wiki content
The MySQL database
Turn this into a 501c(3) or similar nonprofit, with a formal board?
Define copyright and licensing standards

Organizational Challenges

Keeping People Excited
History Project gifts for milestones
25 articles and/or 100 pages = Project Polo Shirt
Major contributions to an article (subject to opinion of section editor) = Project Baseball Cap
Regular reports via LGCWSD mailing list
Establish History Project mailing list (Danny? Rich? QueerNet?)
Progress Meetings
Quarterly concall/webexes for project people?
Monthly or biweekly email report for project people?
Annual meeting at IAGSDC convention?
Representation at IAGSDC convention
Request table for project
Find someone to design a simple display for history project (ask AJH to fund the display)
IAGSDC Timeline ... long piece of paper laid out along long tables or on wall with plenty of writing implements, let people fill in their history.
Recruit timeline posting volunteers
Recruit timeline monitors
Recruit people to take down the timeline and prepare it for shipping
Recruit someone to read through the completed timeline and input the data
During History Project presentation, announce an award (baseball cap, polo shirt, etc.) for the first person to find (some very obscure bit of information in the wiki). Consider qualifying the winner as the first person who is NOT Frank Yellin.

Archival Project Challenges

Inventorying everything in Karl's home in Denver
Having everything scanned/digitized and posted to the wiki
Locating a permanent home for Karl's collection