Harry Gaeta

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Harry John Gaeta
11 Feb 1930 - 01 Jul 1992

Clubs & Associations

Times Squares



Our beloved, Harry Gaeta, a member since 1987 passed away June 30th. He succumbed to cancer after a bold fight. He moved home to his sister’s in Batavia, NY to end his final days. All of us who knew Harry will remember him fondly. He loved Square Dancing, and hoping to get better so he could dance again. Harry was not just a regular member of any organization; he really gave us his time and effort towards its activities. With Times Squares he was forever volunteering for all our events, and was very generous with donations for our door prizes, etc. He was an active/volunteer member of SAGE, and also helped monthly with the Gay Veterans to feed the homeless. Harry attended most of our conventions and also fly-ins throughout the country. Fond memories will linger for a wonderful person.
MAC [1]

Memorial Panel



  1. Times Squared newsletter, v.7 no.12 (August 1992) p.5