Don Wilson

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Donald Ray Wilson
06 Jan 1948 - 10 Jul 2000

Clubs & Associations

Desert Valley Squares

Medallion Dancer


Donald R. Wilson, 52, of Phoenix, Arizona, passed away Jul 10, 2000. Born Jan 6, 1948 in Deming, New Mexico. Don is survived by his father T.A. Wilson of Flagstaff, AZ, 2 brothers, David and Weslie, 1 sister Debbie of Chicago, Ill and soul mate Charlie Reinke of 19 years. Memorial services will be held Sat July 15th at 4PM at Augustana Lutheran Church 2604 N. 14th St. Phoenix, AZ. Arrangements made by Bloom Funeral Chapel.[1]

Memorial Panel



  1. Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) Friday, 14 Jul 2000, p.B7 col.1