Bob Hunter

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Robert Eugene Hunter Jr.
12 Nov 1951 - 12 Jun 1994

Clubs & Associations

South Florida Mustangs


HUNTER — Robert E., Jr., 42, passed away peacefully in his sleep on Sunday, June 12, 1994. He is survived by lifetime companion, Richard Skidmore of Ft. Lauderdale; his mother, Joan; uncle, Jim and sisters, Estelle and Nannette of OH. A Memorial Service was held, June 13, 1994 at the Second Presbyterian Church of Ft. Lauderdale. In lieu of flowers the family requests all donations be made to the Second Presbyterian Church, 1400 N. Federal Hwy., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33304. Arrangements by KRAEER FT. LAUDERDALE FUNERAL HOME, 565-5591.[1]

Memorial Panel



  1. South Florida Sun-Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, FL) Tuesday, 14 Jun 1994, p.6B