Bob English

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Bob English
29 Sep 1945 - 20 Apr 2021
Boots in Squares

Quick Facts


Bob came to “just watch” for the first year while Frank learned, then joined the newbies class the next year and danced with us until health issues prevented them both from dancing the year before the pandemic hit. We could always count on them to help with club decorations and participation in our best events and all Pride celebrations. But even after they stopped dancing, they kept the friendships they’d made through the club by joining or hosting monthly potluck and cards. They married on September 19, 2013, at the Villa Royale in Palm Springs. Frank took Bob’s last name, and they were never hesitant to share their amazement and joy in finding love together at the late stage of their lives. If you knew them then you know whether walking towards you or away, they were always holding hands.
Ray Chance

Bob and Frank were involved with Boots in Squares from approximately 2012-2018.
Dwight Fine

Memorial Panel
