Bill "Teddy Bear" Reese

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William Charles Reese
AKA "Bill Teddy Bear"
15 Jul 1929 - 14 Mar 2008

Clubs & Associations

Cleveland City Country Dancers


WILLIAM C. "BILL TEDDY BEAR" REESE, July 15 1929 to March 14, 2008. Beloved husband of Judith (nee Kavander); father of Kim, Melody, Billy and Dallas; grandfather and great-grandfather of many. Memorial service Tuesday, March 18, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. at the United Methodist Church of Brook Park, 6220 Smith Rd, Brook Park.[1]


He was a great asset to our club. He and his wife Judy loved our high energy dancing. He was very supportive of our club an helped us get involved with the straight community square dancing.
Earl Melvin

Bill Reese was our club caller for many years and his nickname was Teddy Bear He lived in Parma, OH.

Bill and his wife Judy were supporters of our club and I'm am sure that their active participation opened doors here in NE Ohio that would have taken more time and effort otherwise. The club kept in touch with Judy -- inviting her to our dances, taking her on our Lake Erie "cruise" -- after Bill died, and she always seemed to enjoy that ongoing involvement.
Brian Keating

Judy, we are so sorry to hear about Bill's passing. Our prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time. I will always be so grateful for what you and Bill did for CCCD back in 1993. Bill was such a great teacher and Square Dance Caller. He always made our dance nights fun and exciting. You and Bill helped us build the bridge for CCCD to become a bigger part of the Square Dance Community in Ohio.
— Earl Melvin & John Johnson, Cleveland, OH

Judy and Family -
Judy, Bill and you made such a wonderful impact on me during you time with CCCD. And, I'll always remember how gracious you were to us in Myrtle Beach.
Your loss is extended to the whole of the Square Dance community.
Bill will be missed by so many people whose live you and he touched.
God give you strength and peace knowing how loved you are!!!
Ron Peterson, Cleveland, OH

Memorial Panel


  1. The Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) Monday, 17 Mar 2008