Bea Chapman

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Beatrice Emily Chapman
??? 1937 - 26 Feb 2009

Clubs & Associations

Ottawa Date Squares


CHAPMAN, Beatrice Emily, Ph.D.

Unexpectedly, while on vacation, Bea Chapman passed away on February 26, 2009 in the Bahamas. Born in London, Ontario in 1937, she is lovingly remembered by sister Jereen Avesing (Leo) of Tucson, Arizona; brother Kenneth (Debbie) of Winnipeg, Manitoba; twin sister Beverly Crosby (Johngale Adams) of London, Ontario; and sister Darleen Kirschner (the late Ron) of Rodney, Ontario. Bea is lovingly remembered by her 11 nieces and nephews, and her 17 grandnieces and grandnephews. She is remembered fondly by her friends in faith at the Society of Friends, and her friends in the International Order of the King's Daughters and Sons, Ottawa. She graduated from the University of Western Ontario with B.A. and M.A in Sociology, and Ph.D. in Social Demographics. In her later years she enjoyed volunteering, square dancing, and nature walks. She was well known for her sense of humour and wit. There will be a memorial meeting at 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 18, 2009 at the Friends' Meeting House, 91A Fourth Avenue in the Glebe. Memorial donations may be made in Bea's memory to a charity of your choice.[1]

Memorial Panel



  1. The Ottawa Citizen (Ottawa, ON) Saturday, 28 Mar 2009, p.E6, col.3